Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

First Post, as if it really matters....

Let's just see how this "Blog" thing works out, shall we? :)

Woke up this morning to the wonderous cloudy morning; head feels like it's stuffed up, and just waiting for the rain. Usually I don't mind rain; I just don't like the headaches I usually get from it. At least the plants will be happy.

Just heard that Tumblr might end up being "the next big thing", since people seem to be winding down on Twitter. Are people really that lemming-like, that they HAVE to like something or go somewhere, not because it's interesting to them, but just because "Everyone else does it, and I don't want to be left out"?

I don't Twitter; mainly because: (A) my life's not that interesting to keep posting small updates every five minutes, and (B) I just think it's stupid. Sorry, but what could be SO damn important, that you have to 'update' in under 200 characters? Just make a blog post or send an e-mail! Typical Twitter post (aka Tweet), is thus:

"Just drank some coffee. A little too sweet, but not bad."

Why in the Hell, would ANYONE care? Unless you're a professional coffee-taster, this is just plain assinine.

Sorry if you *do* use Twitter, but I myself just can't understand it.

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