Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Allow me, please, to do the introductions...

This is my second time 'round this rodeo.
I had another blog, but even though it's still active, I haven't done anything with it. Why a new one? I have no idea....

This little piece o' work, is going to contain what every other one contains: thoughts and opinions, which people may or my not agree with. Mainly, discussions on science fiction (or, Sci-Fi, if you wish), music (my tastes, not necessarily anyone else's), books, TV shows, movies, and, yes, politics. I'll try to keep the last under control, but no guarantees.

Since I'm a science fiction tech junkie, the main SF stuff will revolve around that (hence, the title of me blog). Mainly, Star Trek (in particular, the original series, or, TOS).

I'll update when I can, but no promises on an every day update.

And now..........

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