Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


How was it? Good? I hope so. :)

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way....

Recently, I keep hearing about Repubs and Repundits who keep saying that Obama can't keep "blaming Bush for everything bad" that's fallen (or will fall) into Obama's lap. In fact, Kathleen Parker from the Detroit News even says so in her opening paragraph: that Bush is no longer 'the fall guy', and that Obama 'owns the game'.

Forgive me, while I vomit.

Am I the only one who seems to remember, that Bush's people (in the Administration, and the Pundits) continually blamed Bill Clinton for EVERYTHING bad that Bush and his cronies where involved in, or didn't prevent during his eight years in office? In fact, these tools did it JUST ABOUT EVERY DAY DURING BUSH'S EIGHT YEARS to drag Bill's name through the mud, from FEMA's poor response to Katrina (and the levee failure in the first place), to 9/11, to 'having to invade Iraq', to God knows what else. And, these people have the GALL, to say, "Stop blaming Bush for stuff!"

No. I will NOT 'stop blaming Bush for stuff'; in fact, I'll blame him for every single damn thing that goes wrong, every day of Obama's term, whether it's for four years, or eight. Sorry, Repubs, you can't have it both ways; I don't believe in a double-standard. If YOUR people can blame Bill Clinton for stuff that Bush's cronies did, WE can blame Bush for things that are happening now, that could have been prevented, or dealt with better.

You don't get off that easily.



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