Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

George Lucas Needs To Knock It The Hell Off

Due to the success of Avatar, guess what George Lucas is said to be talking about? Yep, re-making the STAR WARS films in the same type of 3-D as AVATAR. What the Hell, people?!

Look, I saw the original WARS in 1977; I also saw the second two (or, Episodes V and VI many times in the theater (in fact, I saw EMPIRE STRIKES BACK FIFTY FIVE TIMES at the movies. Yes, THAT many! What can I say, it was a boring year.); and I knew that Lucas wanted the first film to have more characters and action than he could do at the time, so the remastered Ep IV didn't upset me. The RE-re-mastered stuff, though, annoyed me to no end.

This, however, is unnecessary! I don't like 3-D to begin with; it gives me a headache after a while. But THIS...I'm sorry, but the only reason I can see this being done, is CASH. People will see them at the movies even when they complain about how much they think it's stupid. Except me. I've seen the originals, the re-mastered, the re-re-mastered, and the "First Three Movies" that start the whole Saga from the beginning. These, which won't surprise me if they go to the theaters, I'll be bypassing. He's got enough of my money; he doesn't need any more of it.

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