Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Trekkie Looks At 50

Hey. It's me. :)

Ya know, I've kind of decided to downplay the political stuff for a while; I don't use a computer at work, and when a thought hits me, I usually lose the fire by the time I get home to write it down. I'm no longer working a ton of overtime at the minute, but I still have a lag between Thinking It Up and Writing It Down, so it's on hold right now. But, suffice to say, if I get the urge, it'll show up. :)


This year, marks my fiftieth year here on Earth. It's also the 45th anniversary of STAR TREK, the show that pretty much made me what I am today. :D I've watched other sci fi-related shows before that: Lost In Space, Thunderbirds, Fireball XL-5, to name a few. But, for some reason, TREK is the one that stuck in my head the most. The ship LOOKED like a spaceship should have looked; Spock looked alien enough to be 'different', but still could be identified as someone who was human enough to have human-type problems; the phasers were just frickin' COOL, in looks and action. Plus, Uhura was a hottie! Not that a five-year-old would know what to do with a woman, let alone one in a sexy short skirt.... :D

TREK also dealt with (at the time, anyway) current social & political issues, which I didn't really pick up on until the series went into repeats in my early teens. The basic underlying message I got was: just because someone (or thing) looks different, doesn't mean they're 'bad'. Actions were to be judged a little more than appearance. And, I pretty much think the same way now: you can be the best-looking person in the world, but if your attitude is poor, you're not someone I want to hang around with. Yes, TREK pretty much coloured my entire world-view, and I'm not ashamed of it.

I know, I know...'Judge not, lest Ye be judged'. As long as I'm judged the same way, I can deal with it.

Oh, and Happy Easter. :)



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