Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Been A While....

Yep. Back again. After over a MONTH! See? I haven't forgotten you, My Children. :D

Trouble is, being away for a while, SO many things take place, and I can't keep up with them all. Oh, I could complain about the backwards State of Arizona, with it's asinine Immigration Law (I'm waiting for the first MAJOR lawsuit; the one that will come from the 100% Naturalized American that "looks lak a furrenur' to me" that gets caught up in you any amount you want, that they happen to be Non-White), the Tea Baggers (thinking that they're actually "in a NEW American Revolution"!, when in fact they still look like they need to take a short bus to their 'rallies'), and various and sundry other things. But, no, not today. Today, I give you a bit of Justice: Shinnecock Indians FINALLY get recognition, and some land. The best part? Why, where said land is located. :)

Now, although I have an Aunt and some cousins who do have Indian lineage, I myself, do not. Still, I like and appreciate the culture; probably from them. This, though, made me laugh out loud when I saw it. All I can say is,

Hey, Tea Baggers! You "Want (Your) Country Back"? Well, so do they.

And they want you to go back where you came from.



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