Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

They'll ALWAYS Be 'Teabaggers', No Matter What They Call Themselves

Had a rant I was going to post, but it turned somewhat rambling, so I've decided to spare everyone. :)

So, instead, here's a post from GAWKER about Teabaggers that I find amusing and insightful.

Now, as to the term 'Teabagger'; first off, they like to call themselves 'Tea Party Patriots' now, but THEY were the first to call themselves 'Baggers, so 'Baggers, they are! Oh, in case you don't know why the term is so amusing, it's the first definition here.

Maybe they should have thought about that better...



Anonymous Kevin Karstens said...

Agreed...I too, call the 'Teabaggers' because that's what THEY originally, obliviously, called THEMSELVES...the fact that they did so without knowledge of the original term pretty much sums up the entire 'party' if you ask me...;)


February 13, 2010 at 3:26 PM  
Blogger Tremas said...

And I thought being called 'knee-jerk' was bad...

February 17, 2010 at 5:36 AM  

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