Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Senator Landrieu And The Wacky Phone Guys

Sop me if you've heard this one...

Four guys use false ID to gain access to Senator Landrieu's offices. Their purpose: To sabotage her phones, to 'check on the response time to fix them.' The reason? They claim that her office if deliberately weeding out callers who want her to work against health care reform! They somehow think that ONLY the anti-health care calls are not getting through. They wanted to see if her office staff 'laughed it off' when calls couldn't get through. I know; I'm having a time following the logic, too.

However, it kind of backfired on them: They're accused of trying to tap the phones and intercept calls placed to her office.They claim that they're 'investigative journalists', but wouldn't you know it, that's NOT how it works! Investigative journalists REPORT on the story, dig deep to find what's there, and what's not (think All The President's Men); they don't MAKE the story, only REPORT it.

Guess they didn't know, that entering (whether it's by breaking in or using false ID) is actually A FEDERAL OFFENSE, WHICH COULD NET THEM UP TO TEN YEARS JAIL TIME. Let's see them try and play this off as a joke.

Speaking of which....the punch line? At least one of them (James O'Keefe), was involved in the infamous 'Pimp and 'Ho Incident' that vexed ACORN so much.

Yeah....I can see why this tool could be considered trustworthy when it comes to 'Investigative journalism.'

For more, check out the story links at TMP. Your head will fall off your shoulders, from all the shaking it'll do at the stupidity.

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