Teabagger Con '10: WTF?!?!
I really, REALLY want to use the wording I initialed in the subject, but I promised myself I'd go easy on it.
Hey, anybody go to the Teabagger Convention? No? Is it still going? I have no idea. I do kn ow, though, that about 600 of the estimated, um, millions, I'm guessing, showed up.
According to what I've read, the host delivered a rambling opening (without notes), before kicking it into overdive. Or whatever you'd call the sputtering it did.
Republican congressman Tom Tancredo, speaking with some passion, it seems, suggested that a law that kept African Americans from voting be reinstated!
He said that the only reason Obama was elected was because, quote, "we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country."
In other words, if we keep black people from voting, the White House would have stayed WHITE!
Now, let me say this....
I've been voting in elections since I turned 18; the 1980 Presidental was my first. I remember Watergate, even if I didn't understand all of the implications. I'm not a gadfly, but I try to keep informed. I thought the tricks during the 2000 and 2004 races were bad; the 2008, close (sending people mail on official Massachusetts letterhead, telling registered Dems that 'because of the high turnout expected, Tuesday (the REAL election day) was reserved for Republican voters to vote, and Wednsday (the day AFTER the election) was reserved for Dems to vote); but THIS.....this is slap in the face of people who've fought for---and died for---the right to vote, and be treated like human beings. This just shows how much contempt Repubs seem to have for 'people unlike themselves (aka WHITE)'. If he keeps his seat in the next election....well, I was going to say, I'd be surprised, but to be honest.........
Oh, by the way.....seems the Baggers kind of forgot to bring American flags for this debacle, and so, of course, it was the hotel's fault.
What a bunch of ass-hats..........
Labels: ass-hattery, politics
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