Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Monday, January 31, 2011

Working Overtime. As In, A LOT

Over two months now.
I've been doing the Overtime thing, for over two months now. No big deal, you say?

Well, what if I were to tell you, that I work 84 hours a week?
Yep, twelve hours a day, seven days a week! And, no, I'm NOT exaggerating.

Starting to hallucinate--thinking I actually had something called a 'Life' at one point...

By the way, first one to say, "Well, the money must be good, right?" gets a Jaffa staff weapon shoved up them.
*Then* opened.

Picture it like this:
You work 84 hours a week--yes, EIGHTY FOUR hours a week; 44 of them are overtime. Money that's *not* earmarked for ANYTHING. Not food, rent, car payment, NOTHING. It's cash you can do whatEVER you want with.
Now, picture that amount, going into your savings, every week, for about two & a half months.
Sounds good?

*Then*, picture this: you can't spend ANY of it.
Oh, you *want* to, that's a fact. But, you CAN'T. You don't have the time!
Not only that, but you're too tired to even look about on the Web to find stuff to buy. Sure, *one day* you'll have the chance; but, you don't know when it'll happen. And, you know what? It SUCKS. And, no, not in a *good* way.
Yes, it's somewhat debilitating. I need to draw some more; to build my damn models again....
Or, to quote from 'Men In Black':

Jay: Zed, don't you guys ever get any sleep around here?
Zed: The twins keep us on Centaurian time; standard thirty-seven hour day. Give it a few months. You'll get used to it... or you'll have a psychotic episode.


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