Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Donald Trump In: I'm An Attention Whore

Yep, another one. Sorry, couldn't help myself. :)

You've probably heard that Barack Obama has 'finally' released his real birth certificate. Again. And, Donald Trump (I refuse to call that ass-clown 'The Donald') is crowing about it, and claiming that he was the one responsible for it being released. Now, Trump wants Obama's college transcripts released, to 'prove he went to the school(s) he's said he's gone to' (my paraphrasing).

Blow me, Trump.

Trump said he'd release his certificate, when Obama released his. We're still waiting.
Trump also has the nerve to complain about the country not having its fiscal house in order (and that HE can do it, after he's in the White House), yet he's gone into Chapter 11 bankruptcy several times over his business lifetime. He also tries to put on the air of a self-made millionaire, even though his family had wealth, and he just happened to be born into it. I've never liked this clown before, and I like him less now.

Prediction? He won't be President. Why? Well, because
(A) It doesn't pay all that well, compared to his present salary (same reason Sarah Palin won't be elected; it's a paycut)
(B) He couldn't be as much as an attention whore as he currently is; he'd actually have to WORK, instead of being on television
(C) He'd have to be able to work with others to get things done; he wouldn't be able to call all of the shots solo. He'd have to be a team player, and that's something he'd NEVER do, and
(D) People don't take him seriously enough to even *think* of electing him. Loud and ego-filled isn't the way to get people to think you're the best choice for that job.
In the end, all that will happen is, he'll have succeeded in drumming up PR for himself, which is what he really wants. I've heard that NBC is on the fence about a new season of his attention whore show The Apprentice; if they don't go with it, he'll keep this parade of ass-clownitude going for a bit longer. If they agree to it, he'll back off, because he'll have something else to occupy his time. You'd think with all of the money he keeps saying he has, he'd find a *real* hooby to keep him busy...


Monday, April 25, 2011

Happy Anniversary, Batman!

April 25, 2011, marks the 72th anniversary of Batman's first appearance to the world, in DETECTIVE COMICS number 27 (April 25, 1939).

Happy Anniversary, Dark Knight! :)

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

A Trekkie Looks At 50

Hey. It's me. :)

Ya know, I've kind of decided to downplay the political stuff for a while; I don't use a computer at work, and when a thought hits me, I usually lose the fire by the time I get home to write it down. I'm no longer working a ton of overtime at the minute, but I still have a lag between Thinking It Up and Writing It Down, so it's on hold right now. But, suffice to say, if I get the urge, it'll show up. :)


This year, marks my fiftieth year here on Earth. It's also the 45th anniversary of STAR TREK, the show that pretty much made me what I am today. :D I've watched other sci fi-related shows before that: Lost In Space, Thunderbirds, Fireball XL-5, to name a few. But, for some reason, TREK is the one that stuck in my head the most. The ship LOOKED like a spaceship should have looked; Spock looked alien enough to be 'different', but still could be identified as someone who was human enough to have human-type problems; the phasers were just frickin' COOL, in looks and action. Plus, Uhura was a hottie! Not that a five-year-old would know what to do with a woman, let alone one in a sexy short skirt.... :D

TREK also dealt with (at the time, anyway) current social & political issues, which I didn't really pick up on until the series went into repeats in my early teens. The basic underlying message I got was: just because someone (or thing) looks different, doesn't mean they're 'bad'. Actions were to be judged a little more than appearance. And, I pretty much think the same way now: you can be the best-looking person in the world, but if your attitude is poor, you're not someone I want to hang around with. Yes, TREK pretty much coloured my entire world-view, and I'm not ashamed of it.

I know, I know...'Judge not, lest Ye be judged'. As long as I'm judged the same way, I can deal with it.

Oh, and Happy Easter. :)


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