Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mitch 'The Bitch' McConnell And John BONER Says GOP Really Doesn't Want To Do The Bipartisanship Thing

Does this really surprise anyone? Sure as Hell doesn't surprise me.
While on CNN's 'State of the Union' show, Mitch McConnell said that the GOP is unwilling to accept much of what Barack Obama and the Dems propose. In just about everything. And, over on Meet The Press, John Boner--sorry, Boehner (those two are so easy to mix up!) said, "There aren't that many places where we can come together."

And, why is that? Because the Dems want to try to get the U.S. *out* of the fekking hole the Repubs put us in, and the Repubs hate to be reminded that it happened on their watch?

Is it because they really *do* have better ideas, and aren't getting their fair share of consideration?

Is it because they're pissed that the black guy currently in the White House, isn't bowing and scraping and serving the Whites drinks?

My guess, is that two out the three above are part of the reason...

Now, Orrin Hatch has to get his fekking two-cents in, as well.


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Senator Landrieu And The Wacky Phone Guys

Sop me if you've heard this one...

Four guys use false ID to gain access to Senator Landrieu's offices. Their purpose: To sabotage her phones, to 'check on the response time to fix them.' The reason? They claim that her office if deliberately weeding out callers who want her to work against health care reform! They somehow think that ONLY the anti-health care calls are not getting through. They wanted to see if her office staff 'laughed it off' when calls couldn't get through. I know; I'm having a time following the logic, too.

However, it kind of backfired on them: They're accused of trying to tap the phones and intercept calls placed to her office.They claim that they're 'investigative journalists', but wouldn't you know it, that's NOT how it works! Investigative journalists REPORT on the story, dig deep to find what's there, and what's not (think All The President's Men); they don't MAKE the story, only REPORT it.

Guess they didn't know, that entering (whether it's by breaking in or using false ID) is actually A FEDERAL OFFENSE, WHICH COULD NET THEM UP TO TEN YEARS JAIL TIME. Let's see them try and play this off as a joke.

Speaking of which....the punch line? At least one of them (James O'Keefe), was involved in the infamous 'Pimp and 'Ho Incident' that vexed ACORN so much.

Yeah....I can see why this tool could be considered trustworthy when it comes to 'Investigative journalism.'

For more, check out the story links at TMP. Your head will fall off your shoulders, from all the shaking it'll do at the stupidity.

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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

George Lucas Needs To Knock It The Hell Off

Due to the success of Avatar, guess what George Lucas is said to be talking about? Yep, re-making the STAR WARS films in the same type of 3-D as AVATAR. What the Hell, people?!

Look, I saw the original WARS in 1977; I also saw the second two (or, Episodes V and VI many times in the theater (in fact, I saw EMPIRE STRIKES BACK FIFTY FIVE TIMES at the movies. Yes, THAT many! What can I say, it was a boring year.); and I knew that Lucas wanted the first film to have more characters and action than he could do at the time, so the remastered Ep IV didn't upset me. The RE-re-mastered stuff, though, annoyed me to no end.

This, however, is unnecessary! I don't like 3-D to begin with; it gives me a headache after a while. But THIS...I'm sorry, but the only reason I can see this being done, is CASH. People will see them at the movies even when they complain about how much they think it's stupid. Except me. I've seen the originals, the re-mastered, the re-re-mastered, and the "First Three Movies" that start the whole Saga from the beginning. These, which won't surprise me if they go to the theaters, I'll be bypassing. He's got enough of my money; he doesn't need any more of it.

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Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh...When, Oh When, Will God 'Call Them Home'?

Unless you've been off the planet recently, you may have heard of the devastating earthquake in Haiti. Thousands dead or hurt, many missing, massive damage...and, as often happens, America, even when facing some pretty major problems of her own, steps up to help. In fact, I've heard that George Clooney is gearing up for another helping Marathon to raise cash for the cause, much like the 9/11 he did (hopefully, Bill O'Reilly's head will have been surgically removed from his ass, and he won't be a tool about this one).

Well, guess what? Some people in the States seem to think otherwise, that help from us might not be a good thing. I'm speaking of Pat Robertson and Rush Limbaugh.
Robertson (I haven't called this THING a 'Reverend' for quite some time) says that Haiti is simply reaping what it had sown in the past, because it "Make a pact with the Devil" to overthrow the French during its Colonial period.
Limbaugh has a different tact: he says that Obama is trying to politicize and capitalize on the disaster, because why else would he wait three days before talking about the UnderPants Bomber in Detroit, yet speak about Haiti THE VERY NEXT DAY?!?! (emphasis mine).

God, I don't even know where to start....
So, I'll just have this quote from Keith Olbermann's January 13th show speak for me. It's far more eloquent than anything I could come up with.

OLBERMANN: Back to Haiti in a moment, and reports now that quake victims in Haiti from the United States have been evacuated to, of all places, Guantanamo Bay. The first subject of the quick comment tonight is still the matter of Haiti, but relating to back here.

Even the worst of us in this political mosh pit of the early 21st century can stop, on occasion, in grief and in human sympathy, in mourning, or just in self-preservation. Not Rush Limbaugh and not Pat Robertson. We‘ll explore this at length later.

But Mr. Robertson, it is laughable now to try to call him reverend, explained today that this earthquake was part of a, quote, “deal with the devil,” that he claims the nation made in the 19th century to gain its freedom from France. “True story,” Robertson says.

Sir, because of your tone deafness, and your delight in human misery, and your dripping, self-satisfied, holier than thou, senile crap, I am now likelier to believe that you are the devil.

Limbaugh, meantime, did not know just when to shut up. Today he blamed communism for the poverty of Haiti, blamed President Obama for holding a news conference the day after this cataclysm, when he did not hold one after the failed, half assed attempt in Detroit, and said that Obama would, quote, “use Haiti to,” quote, “burnish their, shall we say, credibility with the black community in the both light-skinned and dark-skinned black community in this country.”

Mr. Robertson, Mr. Limbaugh, your lives are not worth those of the lowest, meanest, poorest of those victims still lying under that rubble in Haiti tonight. You serve no good. You serve no God. You inspire only stupidity and hatred. And I would wish you to hell. But knowing how empty your souls must be for you to be able to say such things in a time of such pain, I suspect the vacant, purposeless lives you both live now are hell enough already.

Thank you, Keith.

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Monday, January 11, 2010

Teabaggers and Birthers and Morans, Oh My! Part One

Hey, anyone here goin got the big protest on Jan. 20? You know, the one that the Teabaggers are planning? No? Haven't heard of it?
How could you not? It's the one they're planning to protest 'high taxes, too-large
government, traditional American values, etc.'
Oh, and to protest against the "Socialist, Communist, Muslim (or, as it's been
spelled sometimes, "Muslin") Foreign-born Non-American "president", Barack HUSSEIN Obama!"

Yep, they're choosing the date of Obama's swearing-in as President, as a national day of protest. As in, "Everyone boycott shopping, stay home from work, don't see movies; show them, that we're an economic force to be RECKONED WITH!!"

Yeah.....that'll work....

Some of us, can't stay home from work BECAUSE WE'RE ALREADY HOME FROM WORK, due to Bush The Lesser's Administration's bending over and screwing the economy and the Constitution like a drunk sailor on leave in a bordello. (My apologies to sailors and 'working girls', for the disgusting and unflattering comparison).

It's not going to work, no matter what Fake News says. They'll probably show the same clip of the 'last protest' (which wasn't the last protest AT ALL), and close-ups of actual protesters, to hide their numbers. As for the name Teabaggers....

Sorry, but I will NOT call these clowns 'Tea Party Patriots'. They were first known as Teabaggers, and Teabaggers they will be.

Let me ask you a question....If you're in a valid, fact-filled political discussion, which salient points from both sides being presented, but the person you're talking to, is dressed up in a red, white, and blue jumpsuit, with a star-spangled vest, wearing oversized novelty sunglasses (also red, white, and blue), their face painted with flags, holding a sign accusing the President of being a Communist/Socialist/Musim(n)/tax raiser/etc. (while being somewhat poorly spelled), and topped off with a broadbrimmed hat, with teabags hanging from the brim all over their faces-----how SERIOUS would you take them? I couldn't! I'd be stifling my laughs, and rather poorly at that. Sorry, but when you're dressed like a color-blind clown, and expect me to treat you seriously, YOU LOSE THE ARGUMENT. PERIOD.

As for Birthers....Geeze....

I was going to go on about them, but I'll save that for later. Don't want to have your heads explode...


Friday, January 8, 2010

Rudy Giuliani Needs To Shut The Hell Up

Rudy '9/11' Giuliani needs to get his head out of his ass.

According to Mr(s). Giuliani, the United States had 'no domestic attacks under Bush', but we've 'had one under Obama'.

What the Hell has this clown been smoking?

He based his ENTIRE Presidential campaign on the whole-cloth spectre of the 9/11 boogieman! In fact, 9/11 happened not only on Bush's watch, but on HIS, as well!
Not only that, but Rudy's also claiming that not only did Richard Reid's 'shoe bombing' attempt happen BEFORE 9/11 (it happened on December 22, 2001!), but falsely claimed that Obama didn't even deign to respond to the Christmas Day 2009 bombing attempt for over TEN DAYS after it happened! Obama actually responded three days after it happened, but R.G. and others (including Karl 'Screw the law' Rove) claim otherwise. Rudy made these claims about the lag on the Larry King show; when R.G. made the false claims, Larry mentioned that Bush waited six days to respond to a 'similar incident', Rudy said that 'six days were less than ten', and mentioned the six days were BEFORE 9/11.

Why in the Hell do people like this, think that they can rewrite history, when a good deal of us were actually either there, or watching it in Real Time?
G.W.Bush (The Lesser) was put in office in the Year 2000; yet, for some reason, the Year 2001 happened when Bill Clinton was President. Must be nice to have such wonderful time traveling powers...

Hey, Rudes! SHUT THE HELL UP AND GIVE IT A REST!! Go back to your mistress and somewhat unconvincing cross-dressing, and leave the politics to others. You've had your shot, and you sucked at it.

You are no longer relevant, on any level.


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

LONDON CALLING: Thirty Years Ago Today

Today, Jan. 06 2010, marks the thirtieth anniversary of the release of The Clash's London Calling. So, thanks, to Joe and the lads. You done good! :)

(If, for some unfathomable reason, you DON'T know who The Clash are, EDUCATE YOURSELVES!)
YouTube Vid with the lyrics to LONDON CALLING
YouTube Vid of live performance
Wiki entry on the band
The Clash Official Site

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Sunday, January 3, 2010


How was it? Good? I hope so. :)

Now that the pleasantries are out of the way....

Recently, I keep hearing about Repubs and Repundits who keep saying that Obama can't keep "blaming Bush for everything bad" that's fallen (or will fall) into Obama's lap. In fact, Kathleen Parker from the Detroit News even says so in her opening paragraph: that Bush is no longer 'the fall guy', and that Obama 'owns the game'.

Forgive me, while I vomit.

Am I the only one who seems to remember, that Bush's people (in the Administration, and the Pundits) continually blamed Bill Clinton for EVERYTHING bad that Bush and his cronies where involved in, or didn't prevent during his eight years in office? In fact, these tools did it JUST ABOUT EVERY DAY DURING BUSH'S EIGHT YEARS to drag Bill's name through the mud, from FEMA's poor response to Katrina (and the levee failure in the first place), to 9/11, to 'having to invade Iraq', to God knows what else. And, these people have the GALL, to say, "Stop blaming Bush for stuff!"

No. I will NOT 'stop blaming Bush for stuff'; in fact, I'll blame him for every single damn thing that goes wrong, every day of Obama's term, whether it's for four years, or eight. Sorry, Repubs, you can't have it both ways; I don't believe in a double-standard. If YOUR people can blame Bill Clinton for stuff that Bush's cronies did, WE can blame Bush for things that are happening now, that could have been prevented, or dealt with better.

You don't get off that easily.


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