Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Star Wars...An Opinion

As Paula Dean might say, "Hey, y'all". :)

You may have heard of a recent release on BluRay of some movies by some guy named George Lucas, that had (have) some people in something of an uproar.

I am referring to, of course, the Star Wars films.

Now, I've been a science fiction fan for a LONG time; since I can literally remember, in fact. TREK was in the forefront of my interest, although stuff like THUNDERBIRDS, FIREBALL XL-5, and yes, even LOST IN SPACE played a hand in my interest. STAR WARS was, and is, a movie I love to watch, original release (my favourite), or even the (first, anyway) remaster. But, I have to tell you, this brouhaha over the re-re-re-re-re-re-re-mastering of the films, doesn't really bother me. In fact, I could care less.

There are quite a few people who are claiming that Lucas is, and I quote, "Raping (our) childhood!" with these re-dos. While I do agree that enough is enough, I still don't see the problem.
I was 16 when the first movie hit; and while I thought it was a fantastic movie, I didn't really want to 'live there', if you get my meaning. The world(s) of SW were interesting, somewhat dangerous, and, and at the time, totally unknown to a lot of moviegoers and, yes, many sci-fi fans. But, they didn't grab me, the way they seemed to grab a lot of people. The ships were cool looking, the droids actual characters you could care about, and the LIGHTSABRES! I don't care who you are, you *DO* want one, I know you do! :D The Empire was an evil entity, the Rebellion, heroic, Vader as nasty as a villain you could hope for, Luke & Han dashing and heroic, Leia kind of hot (don't deny it...), etc. etc. etc. All in all, an entertaining bit of action/adventure.
But, not a place I wanted to go to or live in.

I don't know; it just doesn't 'speak' to me the way TREK does. TREK was more about optimism and exploration into uncharted waters; making friends and/or allies with beings who might look like us (and some who didn't). The technologies, the equipment, the designs, the characters, they just clicked with me more than SW did. Nothing against it, but while I enjoy the movies (and, yes, have some of the merchandise), TREK just sits better with me. No offense. :)

I will concede, though, that SW has one advantage over TREK that has yet to be resolved: at least George Lucas lets people play in his sandbox a bit more freely than CBS does with TREK.


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