Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Obama Doesn't Mention God In Thanksgiving Address...

And, guess what? The world didn't end.

Get over it, already, you tools.


Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Question, That Might Go Unanswered.

Not too sure if anyone reads this blog of mine; but, that's okay, as it's mainly just for me to rant a little.

But, if anyone *DOES* read this, a question:
Why do you believe, what you believe?
Because of your family? Your own personal 'moral compass'? Peer pressure? What is it, that makes you think and believe the way you do?

Just curious.


You Know, I'm At A Loss.

I haven't been as 'post-y' as I'd have liked to have been lately, and anyone who's skimmed here recently knows why (work, mainly).

Now, since I don't go online at my work, I can't post whatever crosses my mind when I want to post it. So, when I get a thought that I think might be "Really REALLY cool!" to post, by the time I get home, it's usually gone. So, I'm left with NOTHING to put here.

As of right now,I'm sitting here, enjoying my second Sapporo, and wondering about things in general. Political? Certainly. Unfortunately, too much in the political arena going on, for me to comment on (curse you, No-Online-Access-At-Work!), including Our Friend Birther Queen Orly Taintz (obviously, feeling neglected by the lack of press coverage). My head just frikken HURTS from all of things going on in that world right now. Let me just cut to the chase, in that regard:
Yes, I'm voting for Obama. No, I don't have to justify it. Yes, I'm better off now, than I was three years ago. No, I don't think the Republicans have any real contenders in the presidential race. Do I think Obama will win? Yes. Am I impressed with *ANY* Repubs right now? No.
In fact, political ranting may be set aside for a while, as I have a difficult time catching up when things get good.
There. Hope that settles that.


Went out on (*GASP*) BLACK FRIDAY!!!! Not to buy anything (I used to work in retail years ago), but mainly just to people-watch. I'm probably one of the few people who can do that sort of thing at a mall all day, without buying *anything*. Turned out to be pretty boring. No fights, no obnoxious shoppers...everyone well-behaved. Better luck next year.

One good thing about this job I have (you remember my job, right?)...we *might* be shut down between Christmas & New Year's. Sort of a last-minute vacation at the end of the year. I'll take it. Maybe I'll do some drawing then, if Fates permit me.
And, yes, I will be torturing you here with the results. I'm just too heartless not to. :D


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