Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Thursday, October 18, 2012


That is all.

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Sunday, October 14, 2012

Almost Forgot....

'THE WALKING DEAD' season premiere is on AMC in a little over three hours from when I write this. HUZZAH!! :D

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Rainy, cold, not much going on outside right now...
God, I love Autumn! :)

Friday, October 12, 2012

And So It Goes...

Yet another casualty at work. This time, however, it wasn't attendance or work habits. No, this time, he quit because they had been there about six months, and wasn't full time yet. You see, except for the core people who were basically headhunted to start at my work, everyone else (including me) came from temporary contract services. The idea was, if you're there for 6 months or 1,040 working hours (whichever you hit first), you would be eligible for a full-on hire. Since I started at the right time (during the Thanksgiving-Christmas holidays a few years ago), some of us were pulling in twelve hour work days.
Seven days a week.
For almost 4 months.
So, I hired in after only 5 months. But, some people didn't get in for over a full YEAR, so six months is nothing. But, things got heated and out of hand, and so he walked out. But, since he QUIT the job, and wasn't fired or laid-off, the service told him that they couldn't help him; he HAD a job, then left it. How'd *THAT* work out for you...? ___________

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Here On October 9th..........

First, happy birthday to both John Lennon (9 October 1940 – 8 December 1980) and John Entwistle (9 October 1944 – 27 June 2002). Music is a hell of a lot poorer without you both. ___________________________________ Well, since I've last posted, we've lost another person at work. Not attendance-related this time, though; they were a 'Line Leader', and basically took the hit for the mistakes that the line had accumulated recently. He seemed a little worried during the morning, as if he knew what was going to happen. And then it did. Too bad, he was a good person and really was a hard worker. I was going to comment on the recent debates, but I figured I'm just ranting needlessly at this point. If you still don't have a clear view as to who you want to vote for by now, I don't think I could help you make up your mind. Just BE INFORMED when you do vote. Trust me, it might still piss you off, but it's better than being ignorant.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Lost Three More People At My Work...

Well. Since I last darkened this place, we've lost three more people at my work: one quit (didn't like the work, I guess), and the other two were let go; various and sundry reasons, but mainly for attendance issues. Seems that if you have a job, they kind of want you to show up and do it quite a lot of the time. Weird.... Tomorrow is October 3, 2012--the first Presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. Personally, my money's on Obama; he's proven that he's an excellent debater, and DOESN'T NEED A TELEPROMPTER to do it. That seems to be the big Mantra right now: "Take away the Teleprompter, and he's TOAST! HA HA HA!!". Oh, really? We'll see.... Part of me wants to watch it, but a bigger part says to get my sleep. After all, I have a job to to to tomorrow... :)

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