Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ten Days Later....

Okay, so I'm late....sue me. Not like this thing is rewriting the blog-o-sphere with new and blisteringly exciting ideas. :D


I've decided to ease up on political stuff; mainly because others write about it more a lot better than I do, plus whenever something 'politically minded' crops up, too many other things come up around the same time, and I can't really keep up. When something I find interesting pops up, though, I will mention it, but otherwise, not so much.

Moving on.....

PepsiCo got sued by two guys who claimed that *they* were the ones who came up with the idea for bottling water for sale back in the early '80s. Seems a secretary in Pepsi's legal office didn't take the letter seriously (or, as PC said, "Was so busy it wasn't properly filed"). The end result? Pepsi didn't show up in court, and LOST THE CASE. To the tune of $1.26 BILLION!!! Of course, it goes without saying that they're appealing it; and, saying that they have a 'strong defense' for it, and that, besides, the plaintiffs didn't serve the papers properly anyway, so there!
Going to be interesting to see which way this falls, though.

Either way, someone lost a job over it....

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Monday, October 19, 2009

Eleven Days...........

Been away from the computer for a while; be prepared to be **DAZZLED** in the next few days!!!

.Or not. :D

Thursday, October 8, 2009

People I Can Do Without

I really miss George Carlin.
His observations were not only amusing, but very accurate. I was especially taken with his 'People I Can Do Without' stuff, because while most was played for laughs, the overall idea struck a chord with a lot of people, including me.
To wit:
People at the grocery store, who leave their cart in the middle of the aisle, while they wander off, blocking the aisle for the rest of us. And, when you try to move it, they come unglued, and act like you've just slapped their baby or something. Look, if you go from aisle "A" to aisle "D", TAKE THE DAMN CART! Or, if, for some unfathomable reason, you CAN'T take it, put it to the side, to allow others to get by it. Or, just shop online, and have the damn food delivered.

By the way....did you know that you could (theoretically, anyway) shop out of other people's grocery carts? As long as the food's not paid for, you could (theoretically, anyway) take stuff from other carts, and take it for yourself (theoretically, anyway). Not that I'd advise it, you understand (well, theoretically, anyway)......


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Update Soon

Been busy, but more rambling will be coming your way soon. :D

Sunday, October 4, 2009

One Day In The Jungle

Two explorers were lost in the deep jungle.

Hungry beyond imagining, they resorted to eating all sorts of things they could get their hands on: berries, roots, leaves, anything plant, but no animal, as they were too quick for them.

Suddenly, one of them spied an ape, laying helpless. It was obvious the poor fellow had fallen from a branch, and had died upon impact with the ground. Hurriedly, one of the men ran up to it, scooping it up.

"Jenkins! Look!" he exclaimed to his friend. "God has smiled on us, and given us this tasty treat!"

"Wait a minute, Collins," his friend admonished. "You can't eat it raw! We must cook it first!"

"Nonsense!" Collins said. "There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus!"


Thursday, October 1, 2009

If I could emoticon applause here, I would.

Recently, Rep. Alan Grayson (D-FL)made a statement, saying that Republican's health care plan consists of people 'not getting sick', and if they do, they should 'die quickly'.
Right away, Republicans were demanding his censure, and that he apologize for his remarks. He said, flat out, that he would apologize; to the families of people who've died.

I say, HUZZAH!!!!! He should NOT apologize! For a lot of years, Republicans have been saying similar things about the Dems, and when called upon to apologize, they feign indignation at the very *IDEA* of such a thing. So, I say, screw them. Let them beg for one.


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