Thoughts and Ramblings, from a long-time Sci Fi freak. !!WARNING!! Sometimes political commentary may sneak though!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baptist Pastors Prayed for Obama Death on Presidents Day

Oh, geeze.........

Let me start this, by saying that I don't follow the Christian religion. I'm not Jewish, I'm not Muslim---I just don't have a centered belief, although I consider myself spiritual. I don't judge people by their religion any more than I judge them by their skin---similar to what the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. asked us to do. I judge people by their words and deeds, even though I probably shouldn't judge at all.

Well, it seems that sometimes, I can't help but judge people's stupidity.

In Arizona, 'preachers' (and I use that term, VERY loosely) Steven L. Anderson and Wiley Drake had a bit of a 'Prayer Vigil', praying that Obama dies of brain cancer. The reason? They see him as something of an evil sort, who pretty much needs to be taken out of office. Nice, eh?
I especially like the quote Wiley uses if anyone is bothered by this: "I’m praying the word of God. I didn’t write it. Don’t get mad at me.”

In other words, because Obama didn't say God wanted him to be in office, God wants him to die? Is that what they're saying?

Look, I know why these jackholes and the others are going off like this; it really doesn't take a literal rocket scientist to figure it out. They're SCARED. Scared of the fact that white guys got this country into this hole, and a black guy might just be able to fix the mess and get us back on track. It plays against the ideas they have of 'White Infallibility': that "WE can do no wrong; and if, by chance, something DOES go wrong, WE are the ONLY ones who can fix it!"
Why do you think the Repubs keep touting "Only WE can fix what's wrong with the country!" Of course they have first-hand knowledge about what's wrong...they're the ones who did it! It's like a mechanic telling you after you get your car back and still have troubles, "I know exactly what's wrong; bring it back and I can fix it."
"I didn't have this trouble when I brought it to you. You did something to it!"
"Exactly! That's how I know what's wrong!"

Would you trust this guy to work on your car? Or would you go someplace else?

That's what we have to look forward to, in the next elections: People who want to fix the problem, because they WANT to help, versus people who will fix what's wrong, simply because they don't want to admit they're the ones who broke it in the first place.

By the way....the Repubs haven't come out against these afore-mentioned tools about Obama's 'curse'. Guess they'll fix that, too....


Saturday, February 13, 2010

Captain America Hates America....?

Ignoring the Palin Hand Notebook for now, I just thought I'd share this.

Being a comic book fan, I got a chuckle out of a certain Captain America issue.
You know, the one where the Teabaggers are called a group of Angry White Men by the Falcon. Seems FakeNews and the Baggers didn't like that, and called Marvel and writer Ed Brubaker on it. Did Marvel hold firm, tell them it's just a story, and that they have the right to say such things BECAUSE this is America?

No. Marvel wimped out, and APOLOGIZED to them!

I love comics, but haven't really read a Marvel in ages; when I heard of this, I wanted to start reading them again. But, when I then heard about them backtracking, I thought, "Screw Marvel. DC has better characters anyway."

I don't know why Baggers and Fake are getting so worked up about this. You can tell it's not really them.....the signs are spelled correctly...


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

They'll ALWAYS Be 'Teabaggers', No Matter What They Call Themselves

Had a rant I was going to post, but it turned somewhat rambling, so I've decided to spare everyone. :)

So, instead, here's a post from GAWKER about Teabaggers that I find amusing and insightful.

Now, as to the term 'Teabagger'; first off, they like to call themselves 'Tea Party Patriots' now, but THEY were the first to call themselves 'Baggers, so 'Baggers, they are! Oh, in case you don't know why the term is so amusing, it's the first definition here.

Maybe they should have thought about that better...


Friday, February 5, 2010

Teabagger Con '10: WTF?!?!

I really, REALLY want to use the wording I initialed in the subject, but I promised myself I'd go easy on it.

Hey, anybody go to the Teabagger Convention? No? Is it still going? I have no idea. I do kn ow, though, that about 600 of the estimated, um, millions, I'm guessing, showed up.

According to what I've read, the host delivered a rambling opening (without notes), before kicking it into overdive. Or whatever you'd call the sputtering it did.

Republican congressman Tom Tancredo, speaking with some passion, it seems, suggested that a law that kept African Americans from voting be reinstated!
He said that the only reason Obama was elected was because, quote, "we do not have a civics, literacy test before people can vote in this country."
In other words, if we keep black people from voting, the White House would have stayed WHITE!

Now, let me say this....
I've been voting in elections since I turned 18; the 1980 Presidental was my first. I remember Watergate, even if I didn't understand all of the implications. I'm not a gadfly, but I try to keep informed. I thought the tricks during the 2000 and 2004 races were bad; the 2008, close (sending people mail on official Massachusetts letterhead, telling registered Dems that 'because of the high turnout expected, Tuesday (the REAL election day) was reserved for Republican voters to vote, and Wednsday (the day AFTER the election) was reserved for Dems to vote); but THIS.....this is slap in the face of people who've fought for---and died for---the right to vote, and be treated like human beings. This just shows how much contempt Repubs seem to have for 'people unlike themselves (aka WHITE)'. If he keeps his seat in the next election....well, I was going to say, I'd be surprised, but to be honest.........

Oh, by the way.....seems the Baggers kind of forgot to bring American flags for this debacle, and so, of course, it was the hotel's fault.

What a bunch of ass-hats..........

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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Republicans: "We Kicked Obama's Ass, So Donate To Us!"

Oh, my.....

Seems the Repubs are suffering from selective amnesia again!
According to The Boner (Yes, this is how I'm referring to House Minority Leader John Boehner from now on; just a heads-up), 'Hey, we kicked his ass during the Q&A after the SOTU speech, so give us money to put us back in the majority!'

Seems he's 'kind of/sort of' forgetting, that Obama was the one kicking ass, as well as taking names. :) I'll wager that the next time he goes to talk to the Repubs like this again, for some reason there won't be any cameras laying about....

Not only, but also....

Did you hear the news? The Dems have a 59-41 Majority in the Senate! Odd, isn't it? I tell ya, ever since that Brown character won in Massachusetts, I thought that the GOP had the lead! I mean, that's what they kept saying and insisting, so it MUST be true, huh?
What's that? They *DON'T* have the Majority? You sure?
My, that's odd....maybe the Dems should be told that....


Monday, February 1, 2010

A Bit Of Silliness.....

I've noticed I'm getting a little heavy with the political stuff; so, every now and then, I'll try and lighten things up a bit. :)

Here, then, is His Holiness, the Dalek Lama.


Blessed Be.... :D

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The Scott Brown Doll: Ken's got Some Competition Now, By Golly!

Due to his upset election (and, depending on who you hear it from, the next REAL THREAT to Obama in 2012!), a New England toy company is releasing a Scott Brown Doll!

Kind of safe-for-work, but link is a FauxNews link.

I apologize for that.....

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